Silicon Valley Urologist – Dr. Jonathan C Hu

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Should I go to the hospital?

Blood in the Urine (Hematuria)

Discovering blood in your urine can be a deeply unsettling experience, evoking worry and uncertainty about your health. Hematuria, the medical term for blood in the urine, can present itself in various ways, including:
The emotional impact of hematuria can be significant, leading to feelings of anxiety, fear, and stress. It’s essential to understand that hematuria doesn’t always indicate a severe condition, but it should not be ignored. Identifying the underlying cause is crucial for your peace of mind and overall health.

Seeing blood in the urine can definitely cause you to freak out or panic. Is this an emergency or can you wait for a couple of weeks?

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Visible Blood (Gross Hematuria)

This refers to visible blood in the urine.  It can be a sign of various urological conditions, including urinary tract infections, kidney stones, or even more serious issues such as bladder or kidney cancer.

Painless gross hematuria, which is the visible presence of blood in the urine without associated pain, should be promptly evaluated by a urologist. This is a precautionary measure to rule out any potentially serious underlying conditions. A urologist specializes in diagnosing and treating urological issues and can provide the necessary expertise for a comprehensive evaluation

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Microscopic Hematuria

Microscopic hematuria is when blood is detected in the urine through laboratory testing but is not visible to the naked eye. This condition can also indicate underlying health concerns. It is often discovered incidentally during routine check-ups.
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Should I go to the hospital?

The information provided on this website is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice or consultation. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, a medical emergency, or have concerns about your health, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention.

Please note that symptoms and responses to medical conditions can vary from person to person. The information provided here is general in nature and may not apply to all individuals. Your urologist or healthcare provider will consider your unique medical history and circumstances when making diagnostic and treatment decisions.

Microscopic Hematuria

In most cases, microscopic hematuria does not necessitate a visit to the emergency department. Typically, these cases can be effectively addressed by scheduling an appointment with a primary care physician, an urgent care physician, a family medicine practitioner, an internal medicine specialist, or even your designated urologist. It is advisable to seek outpatient care for an accurate evaluation and personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific condition.

Gross hematuria

While not all cases of gross hematuria necessitate immediate hospitalization, certain situations may warrant a visit to the hospital’s emergency department. Here are some guidelines to help you decide if hospital care is needed:

Immediate Hospital Care is Advisable If:

  1. Pain and Discomfort: If you are experiencing severe pain or discomfort in addition to gross hematuria, particularly if the pain is persistent and unbearable, seeking emergency care is recommended.
  2. Urinary Obstruction: If you are unable to pass the blood clots and it causes urinary obstruction, requires urgent medical attention.
  3. Lightheadedness or Dizziness: If gross hematuria is accompanied by symptoms such as lightheadedness, dizziness, fainting, or a rapid drop in blood pressure, it is advisable to visit the hospital immediately.
Emergency Hospital


What to expect in the Emergency Department?

Microscopic Hematuria

Nothing, don’t waste your time or money.

Gross Hematuria

  1. Triage: Upon arrival, you’ll be prioritized based on your condition’s severity.
  2. Medical History: Your medical history will be assessed.
  3. Diagnostic Tests: Various tests will be conducted, including a bladder or renal ultrasound.
  4. Treatment: If urinary retention due to blood clots is identified, a foley catheter (20fr or 22fr) will be inserted to relieve obstruction. Continuous bladder irrigation helps prevent new clots.
  5. Consultation: A urologist may be consulted if needed.
  6. Overnight Stay or Admission: In some cases, an overnight stay or admission to the hospital may be necessary for further monitoring or workup.
  7. Discharge: Depending on the situation, you may be sent home with a foley catheter and provided instructions for outpatient follow-up care.
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What to expect in the Hospital?

What to Expect in the Hospital for Gross Hematuria

If your condition necessitates a hospital stay for gross hematuria, here’s what you can typically anticipate:

  1. Continuous Bladder Irrigation: Continuous bladder irrigation may be maintained to prevent the formation of new clots and apply gentle pressure to the source of bleeding.

  2. Lab Monitoring: Regular lab tests will be conducted to ensure your blood levels remain stable and to assess kidney function.

  3. Consultation with a Urologist: A urologist on call will evaluate your case. They will determine whether a procedure is necessary during your hospital stay or if it can be scheduled as an outpatient procedure.

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